Atomic Juicing

“For years we’ve been joking about the Bowie song, ‘Take your pills and put your helmet on,’” says Roy Henderson, CEO of Green Cell Technologies. But what he and Jan Vlok have managed is certainly no laughing matter. Their megalith 3.2 ton invention called The Disruptor, which, together with their Dynamic Cell Disruption (DCD) technology, could have what it takes to revolutionize the food industry. In addition, it could have further applications in the cosmeceutical, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries.

Once investors see it, Henderson says, they take to it like kids in a candy store. And thank the gods: R38 million has gone into its development.

One user is Ryan Wyness form Wyness Vineyards, based in the heart of the Stellenbosch wine valley. After an initial trial the Disruptor has yielded incredible results, including “instant extraction, higher levels of anthocyanins, higher levels of proteins,higher levels of acid in post fermentation analysis, double the amount of oil extraction and more yield,” he says.

Another is chef Richard Hobson, one half of Froggit Foods, who has so far used it to process olives and chillies. “The chillies go through crushed and out comes out a wonderful, smoothed paste.” This, he says, is a great time saver – and the results are amazing.

Henderson uses rooibos tea as a simple example. Removing some chemical components gives you a purer form of aspalathin, the antioxidant found in the plant. “You can take that and turn it into a cream for a cosmetic, a bar, a snack, a capsule or a cosmeceutical.” he says.

“Any time you take a whole product – a whole orange, a whole apple, a whole grain – and want to break it open, it becomes an extraction.” That, Henderson says, is what they’ve become really good at: effective extraction.  Applications, incredibly, stretch into biofuels, turning waste products into feed for cattle or crops, and they’re even looking into beers and other spirits.

“The extraction is instant.” Their smallest machines process materials at 1.5 tons per hour, the biggest at 6. Once something emerges from The Disruptor, Henderson says it can go on to be processed further. “With juice, if you want the fibre, leave it as is. Or,  to create an extract, you’d want to remove all insolubles and get to the concentration.”

Henderson and Vlok are also marketing a product called Nourish, a tonic made from a combination of everyday ingredients, like apples, which provides consumers with the full recommended daily vitamin intake for less than R5 per day. While testing the product all sorts of strange ingredients were processed – including whole fish skins.

They even tried chicken in an attempt to help the poultry industry create a healthier alternative to brining, using chicken protein rather than salty brine. He compares the chicken on the other end to a smooth, aqueous cream-like substance. What can’t it do? “We found that whole stone fruits wouldn’t go through it; it wouldn’t break The Disruptor, but it would stop it.”

Those, he says, have to be processed first. How did you secure funding for such a project?  “We didn’t,” says Henderson, who is a a retired navy officer and underwater explosives expert. “When we approached DTI, we didn’t have a company so to speak. We were just two guys trying to do something.

We couldn’t just take people on board hoping things would go ahead.” Their first step was to start a company, he says, before they could start worrying about who would be part of it.

“It was funded by opening businesses and running them alongside, so we could take cash out of these businesses to pay for research and development.” They sold these companies to people in the industry who could take them further.     “Our focus was split, so it would be a bit disingenuous to say we were putting our heart and soul into each of those businesses.”

He says then sustainability wasn’t an issue, and if someone could make money from one of their businesses, they’d sell it. “That’s how we got our cash.”

Now they are at a point where they’re generating sufficient income and Henderson has some advice for the ambitious inventor. The lesson that Jan and I learned is that there are investors and investors. You’ve got to be absolutely 100% [certain] that you’ve got the right investor who is there almost in the philosophical sense. Yes, they want to make money, but they’ve got their hearts in the right place.”

He warns against those who end up owning 10% of their own companies because of dilution from too many investors. “You’ve got to be careful in that you have the right type of investor.”

For tomorrow’s inventors, he notes: “Anyone who wants to invent, I think the principal thing is: Be bloody-minded in your thought-process. You have to be persistent to the point of not listening to anyone else.” It certainly seems to work.

Feeding the world, one sonic boom at a time

Jan Vlok, Ryan Wyness from Wyness Wines and Roy Henderson in front of the ‘Disruptor 2000‘.

Read the full story here:

Global Visionary Award for ‘Disruptive’ SA Food Processing Technology



South African biotechnology and IP Company Green Cell Technologies® (GCT®), has been internationally acknowledged for its revolutionary technology, receiving the Frost & Sullivan Visionary Innovation Leadership Award – Food Processing, for its work in food security. The Award is recognition of the exceptional advances GCT® has made with its Disruptor™ technology in enhancing food production for the modern world.

Accoridng to the research report issued by Frost & Sullivan, ‘Green Cell Technologies has created a unique solution to overcome the challenges of food security and the need to reduce the excessive amount of waste generated during the food processing cycle. The game-changing Disruptor™, using Dynamic Cellular Disruption®, provides manufacturers with a compact and cost-saving technology to process their food more expediently, reduce waste, and improve nutritional quality. Frost & Sullivan firmly believes that the company is a visionary leader, addressing one of the most pertinent issues facing modern society.’

Recognition has been a long time coming…

Ten years ago, founders Roy Henderson and Jan Vlok, sat around the table pondering the fact they were replete with Christmas lunch, how many others were not, and worse, that the food the majority of people consume, had little nutritional value beyond the memory of that particular meal. There and then they set about inventing a way to make more food and beverage, (and a whole manner of other life sustaining products), more accessible to more people at a price they could afford, and which would also be highly nutritious, while at the same time benefiting the planet by reducing overall waste. Green Cell Technologies® was born.

It took a decade, many sleepless nights and the requisite financial constraints that come with changing the world, but in the Disruptor™ technology there is now a solution to many of our planetary daily needs. Along the way, the pair has even created a brand new hybrid alloy that sits highest on the Rockwell Scale (the scale that measures hardness).

How does it work and why is it getting the attention of the world’s food & beverage manufacturers both big and small? Essentially, food processing has not changed since the industrial revolution. What has changed though is the number of people we need to feed on a daily basis, and the shrinking ability with which to do it. Current processing methods generate huge amounts of waste – not only in the material itself, but also in not accessing 100% of the available nutrients.

GCT’s Disruptor™ and Dynamic Cellular Disruption®(DCD®) process change all that. Without using harmful heat or chemicals, the patented process and machinery are able to use wholefoods and plants (skin, pips, seeds, stalks and all) to generate nutrient rich emulsions, which can be used for a variety of food types – think soups, convenience foods, juices, baby foods, sauces and beyond. These same emulsions can also be dried into powders for use in shakes, nutriceuticals and even cosmetics – this could put a totally different spin on the phrase; ‘feeding your face!’ The added nutrition is derived from the fact that the Disruptors™ are able to remove the plant cell membrane, thus releasing 99.99998% of the ‘actives’ inside and all the fibre is taken up into the flowable liquid.

“We have conducted countless trials and demonstrations over the past few months, for both local and international food manufacturers. Typically we are able to show them a 60% – 80% increase in the amount of product they can produce, and in many instances even higher, because there is very little to no wastage using DCD” confirmed Roy Henderson, CEO of GCT®. “In addition to this though, the taste profile of the material is much enhanced by the opening of all the plant cells, that there are further increases (and savings) in yield because the emulsions require significant dilution.”

Roy is also convinced that the days of David Bowie’s ‘Space Oddity’ are here now, as the company has in effect perfected the ‘protein pill’ Bowie sang about in the 1969 song.

The Disruptor™ (baby two-barrel version) is a 3.2 ton piece of equipment wrapped up in a food grade shiny stainless steel box. It’s a commercial proposition with massive export potential – with machines available in 2,4, 6 and 8-barrel configurations – so it’s not something you can take home and run your morning juice through – yet. “We are working on it,” grinned Jan, “but we need to assist the bulk processors in changing their way of making consumer retail foods and beverages first.” With consumers already vocal in their desire and need for healthier foods and drinks, industry is adapting its manufacturing standards to take this into account and Green Cell Technologies® is consulting and licensing its technology to these forward thinking organisations.

As one of only two ‘Visionary Innovation Leadership’ awardees in Africa, Green Cell Technologies® was given the recognition by Frost & Sullivan for its clear ability to innovate today in the light of perceived changes and opportunities that will arise from Mega Trends in the future. A visionary innovation leadership position enables a market participant to deliver highly competitive products and solutions that transform the way individuals and businesses perform their daily activities. Such products and solutions set new, long-lasting trends in how technologies are deployed and consumed by businesses and end users. Most important, they deliver unique and differentiated benefits that can greatly improve business performance as well as individuals’ work and personal lives.

On being acknowledged for their work, Henderson and Vlok were self-effacing, with Roy saying: “We are truly thankful that Green Cell Technologies has been recognised for the positive impact it will play on securing the future of food for everyone. Food wastage is unnecessary, especially when the real goodness is in the parts that currently cannot be processed and consequently get thrown away.”

Green Cell Technologies® gets saucy with chillies

Using its Disruptor™ technology in a unique food processing manner, Biotechnology Company Green Cell Technologies® (GCT®), has formulated a natural non-fermented and raw chilli sauce that avoids the need to ferment the chillies in brine over long periods. This has significant ramifications for the competitive spicy/hot sauce sector, in particular, the rapidly expanding Halal market, which is subject to stringent processes governing compliance.

Traditionally, commercially available chilli style condiments are left ‘to age’ in barrels for a period of time. The chillies are usually steeped in a brine solution, which draws the flavour out. The skins and seeds are subsequently discarded and the remaining solution mixed with vinegar to stop further fermentation. Typically, ageing and the addition of vinegar forms part of a ‘fermentation process wherein lies the potential for controversy over whether these type of sauces are permitted within the Muslim diet.

The ‘Dynamic Cellular Disruption®’ (DCD®) process used within the context of the Disruptor™ series of machines, not only circumvents the necessity for extended time periods to mature these types of sauces and bring them to market, but also adjusts the ratios of any vinegar and brine added which increases the yield for the same amount of raw material.

With DCD, the extraction process is immediate. Whole chillies are used and the cells structures are instantly opened, releasing the active compounds and molecular fibre. This is then taken up into the brine solution, infusing flavour from the get go. Pushing the whole chilli (skin, seeds, stalks and all) through the Disruptor at the same time as the brine solution, produces an immediate RAW chilli sauce ready for consumption (pending any further value add as per manufacturer).

In addition to the enhanced flavour, increased nutritional benefits and immediate availability of the finished product, are the savings, the process has on hard costs such as materials, electricity and on the planet, as there is no waste.

In other trials conducted with specialist export company, Fynbos Fine Foods in Cape Town, South Africa, head honcho Julian Abramson endorsed the process and technology saying: “This Disruptor technology is now the cutting edge of the food industry. We end up with no waste, sauces can cook for much less time because the only reason one would cook any product is to break down the cell structures. Using the DCD process way before starting the cooking, all the ingredients are broken down and locked together from the beginning. This also means there is a real potential to exclude the need to use starches or gums to prevent separation.

“We have been fortunate to achieve this in our trials and we have now ended up with a very fresh tasting product, with amazing natural colour, no preservatives and a 1- 2 year shelf life.

“I believe this new technology will change the way sauces, juices, soups, jams, salad dressings amongst others are made in the future. I am looking forward to being able to offer a better quality product at a lower price so that more people can enjoy our sauces.”

When asked why experiment with the Disruptor in the first place, Abramson explained that he had attended a talk given by Roy Henderson and his partner Jan Vlok (the inventors), and was intrigued by the thought of manufacturing in a novel way that could lead to quicker turnaround times, more yield (in his case between 40 to 70%) and for less.

Abramson has been clearly delighted with the results to date and has also extended the use of the Disruptor to his cooked sauces. Using this new process has meant that he has had to adjust his ingredient inclusion ratios as the effectiveness of the Disruptor leads to a ‘cooking multiplier’™ and increased food productivity™ and long-term food prosperity.

Green Cell Technologies manufactures for third parties through its subsidiary, Food Genie, in Cape Town, but also sells the Disruptor technology under license.

For further information please email us on:

About Green Cell Technologies

Green Cell Technologies is a global biotechnology and Intellectual Property Development Company specialising in formulating and building advanced solutions to world nutrition sustainability.

With a growing population and shrinking agricultural footprint, people are hungry and sick. Green Cell Technologies (GCT) overcomes the threat to food productivity through the use of its patented Disruptor™ machines and Dynamic Cellular Disruption® (DCD®) processes, which it sells under license to manufacturers and processors around the world.

Sweet deal for Low Carb High Fat products as Green Cell Technologies and Food Genie collaborate to offer global licensees a winning recipe


Global biotechnology company Green Cell Technologies® and South African food manufacturer, Food Genie have collaborated to formulate and produce a range of low carb high fat (LCHF) pre-mixed ingredients that are now on offer to global licensees wishing to take advantage of this growing market.

Lifestyle diseases such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and gluten intolerance, are increasing at alarming rates. Mirroring this growth is the demand to provide ‘clean’ and ‘junk free’ foodstuffs that can service this market, and deliver alternatives to reactive pharmaceuticals and supplements (a declining sector). ‘Eat yourself healthy’ has become a universal call – one that has now been answered.

However, eating healthy does not mean that products like breads, muffins, pizza bases, granolas and energy bars need to be sugar laden, un-tasty, expensive and off the menu. “Quite the opposite” confirmed Gaby Spilken, food technologist and partner at Food Genie, “by using the patented Dynamic Cellular Disruption® (DCD®) process, we have been able to develop a series of balanced pre-mixed ingredients using a combination of seeds, nuts and natural sugar replacements that meet the exacting demands of Paleo, Banting, and, Atkins, Diabetics as well as ADD, ADHD and, they are gluten free.” They are also pocket friendly and therefore appeal to a much bigger market than other specialised goods in this sector.

In addition to the range of dried goods, there is a selection of chocolates that meet all the above requirements and will please many a sweet tooth. Again using DCD®, a gourmet array of natural flavours can be added – to order – further boosting the delectability of the offering.

The secret ingredient for success however, is the use of DCD®, which opens up all of the molecules in the plant material and through the use of GCT’s proprietary drying method; the ingredients are processed into their varying formulas, having harvested almost 100% of the available goodness. In the case of the chocolates, the flavourings are made in advance and added to the DCD®’d chocolate for maximum effect.

International Flavour

The rise of environmental toxins, coupled with increased sugar and alcohol intake is negatively influencing gut flora and digestion in human beings.   As a result the number of gluten sensitive and intolerant people is growing. Add to this, the fact that one person dies every seven seconds from diabetes (International Diabetes Federation 2014) and with more than 34% of Americans suffering from metabolic syndrome and therefore more likely to have high blood pressure, strokes, coronary heart disease or heart attacks, it’s no wonder that LCHF is catching on and with it, these products.

The products have been successfully tested and retailed in the South African market that has seen an explosion in LCHF foods thanks to the release of a diet and eating regime popularised and proven by Sports Scientist, Professor Tim Noakes. They are now starting to find favour internationally and to this effect, Green Cell Technologies® is open to offers from potential licensing partners to assist it in growing its worldwide footprint.

“Our combined expertise lies in creating and innovating quality products that meet consumer and industry requirements in every category we are involved in, and then future proofing them. As the request for these products has grown to such an extent, and as we are not retailers or distributors, we are now seeking the right partners to actively take these products to market with a long term view to listing” concluded Roy Henderson, CEO of Green Cell Technologies®.

Interested parties are requested to send an email to: and see for more information.

About Green Cell Technologies®

Green Cell Technologies® is a global biotechnology and Intellectual Property Development Company specialising in formulating and building advanced solutions to world nutrition sustainability.

With a growing population and shrinking agricultural footprint, people are hungry and sick. Green Cell Technologies® (GCT) overcomes the threat to food productivity through the use of its patented Disruptor machines and Dynamic Cellular Disruption® (DCD®) processes, which it sells under license to manufacturers and processors around the world.

Feast or Famine?

Increasing ‘Food Productivity™,’ not generating more GM foods, is the way to avoid future food shortages says Roy Henderson, CEO of Green Cell Technologies®

For it or against it, we all have a strong opinion in the intense debate around the safety of, and even necessity for, Genetically Modified (GM) foods.   Whatever side of the equation you sit on, the common denominator is the need to secure nutritious and meaningful sustenance for the earth’s booming population.

Whereas way back in antiquity, people made the most of what they had and stored leftovers for a rainy day, today’s consumerism has tended towards wastefulness and little to no provision for those potential hard times.  While this attitude affects most industries, one of the biggest culprits and certainly the most influential on our future health and wellness, is the food-manufacturing sector.

Instead of developing ways to process produce better, faster, cheaper, healthier and deal with the 10 – 40% of waste and losses as a result of current archaic manufacturing methods, we have been led down a path that has yet to prove itself as a long-term safe and viable provider – GM foods.  But the fact is it isn’t necessary to alter the genetic make-up of a plant to bolster its properties.  There is in reality a far easier and quicker solution to generating more and better food, right now.

Eight years in the making, rigorously tested and now commercially available, Dynamic Cellular Disruption® (DCD®) through the Disruptor Series of machines, can effectively tackle food wastage, provide for today and help set-aside for tomorrow.

It requires a paradigm shift in thinking, because the DCD® process uses the entire product, (in plants that would include the seeds, skin, even leaves and in grapes for example, the stalks).  In the blink of an eye, DCD® turns organic plant material used for foods (and natural medicines and cosmetics), into fully nutritious and flavour enhanced emulsions/juices (including no sugar added beverages).  These can be used in a myriad of economical and beneficial applications. It processes ALL of the material including the sections of produce we are currently throwing in the bin. That’s a staggering and immediate 10 – 40% increase in yield.

Because it is rapid, does not use harmful heat or chemicals, the DCD®’d produce retains all the natural, medicinal and health benefits of the original source. It does not alter or denature the molecular make-up of the original cell content of the product in anyway.  This pioneering process breaks down raw material into constituent parts by splitting the cells open, releasing the molecules and disrupting the insoluble fibre into minute particles.

Using the GCT proprietary drying process, these ‘disrupted’ emulsions can also be dried to stable and nourishing powders.  These can be stored and then re-constituted in times of need such as food shortages or where people are affected by natural disaster and wholesome dietary intervention is immediately required.

Henderson said: “To feed ALL the 7 billion people inhabiting earth, we need a radical change in the food processing industry. Our focus should be on averting global food wastage, increasing food productivity™ and natural abundance. Because DCD® also amplifies the nutritional quotients in produce, it is critical we focus on implementing do-able ways to ensure food security to avoid future famine in the here and now, not arguing over the safety of GM foods and waiting for tomorrow for them to be declared fit.”

Henderson has already gone on record as saying that the food waste from retail can still be beneficial – even after the sell by date.  “Approximately 10 billion kilograms per annum in SA alone is being dumped either during production, or because of expiry dates or weather damage,” he said. “Crops damaged by hail, for example, are often left to rot on the tree or bush. All that produce can be DCD®’d, converted into a nutritive powder and stored for a rainy day.”

GRAS vs. Food Productivity

While GM foods might not be an issue in the end, it takes time and testing to see if they can achieve GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) status. Typically that requires a 30-year period with no reported incidents. “That is a lot of time we don’t have. Rather than playing God by modifying plants and animals, we should relook at improving food processing and use what we already have, but better,” says Henderson.

“We have defined Food Productivity™ as being the immediate release of 100% of the nutritional source – making our existing produce work smarter not harder or differently. This is vital for the sole reason that we actually eat to ‘fuel’ our bodies to sustain life, not eat to feel full. Being full does not necessarily mean fuelled.

Henderson, never shy to dream big, concludes by providing a glimpse into Utopia: “DCD® has the potential to be the advisor the world is looking for to guide it away from imminent global famine to that of a reduced, but more nutritious feast of a different kind, one more commensurate with the future we would like to create. Once we (man) use all of what we already produce, we may even find that we actually do not have a need for GM foods.”

Now that would certainly disrupt the market……

Weapons of mass Disruption

GCT advises how to avoid getting ‘wasted’ in the food industry

Roy Henderson, CEO of Green Cell Technologies® calls for radical change in the food processing industry to avert global food wastage, so as to increase ‘food productivity™’ and provide amplified nutritional quotients to feed the 7 billion.

Cape Town, 20 April 2015 – While addressing food wastage may be considered in some circles to be ‘so 2014’, it is still fundamental to how we feed seven billion people (and more) with an ever decreasing agricultural footprint.

The stark reality and ignominy of this situation is highlighted by numerous studies and research. One study conducted by R Osner, way back in 1982, claimed that approximately 25% of all Britain’s food wastage occurred between farm and plate. The world has increased the number of hungry stomachs considerably since then, and the problem has exponentially magnified. On the opposite end of the scale, the nutritional value in food has drastically diminished.

There have been several recent consumer-marketing campaigns that address the imperfect beauty of fruit and vegetables. Promoted by a monetary discount, these advertising onslaughts encourage consumers to buy produce that doesn’t fit the fashionable ‘stereotype. Also aided and championed by well-known food celebrities, they are having an effect on the reduction of retail food waste. However, the majority of food wastage starts long before it even gets to the supermarkets.

In order to provide any meaningful reduction of food waste, we need to completely rethink food-manufacturing processes, which in essence, have not really changed since the industrial revolution. Radical transformation is now required, before we disappear beneath a mound of waste and suffer global malnutrition.

By way of example – today’s traditional food processing and manufacturing systems discard between 10 to 40 percent of the material depending on the source product. Much of this waste is upfront in the process, such as the skins and seeds, which typically contain the majority of the nutritional value.

Take the humble, golden orange butternut for instance. It is the staple of many convenience foods – including the base of most ready-to-eat infant foods. Yet, while it grows prolifically and is readily available for harvest, it is one of the most costly to prepare, with one of the highest wastage proportions with leftovers often rotting on landfill heaps. Alternatively, the castoffs may be used in animal feed, subsequently contaminated by microorganisms, and tainting our food chain from the start.

Typically, butternut needs to be de-stalked, skinned, de-pipped and then pulped before being cooked to within an inch of its life. For every kilogram processed, approx. 350g is thrown away. Considering that one small factory in the Western Cape, (South Africa), generates ten tons of waste per day, and there are literally thousands of these types of factories around the world, you begin to see the true nature of this sizeable problem, when very conservatively there is at least 3 500 000kg of waste (400 lorry loads a day) if one takes a thousand such factories around the world into account. This ‘waste’, would feed approximately nine million people on a daily basis if it could be processed.

While the waste from butternut could be ploughed back to the earth or used in animal feed, tomato waste, another globally processed bulk product is far too acidic to feed to livestock so sent to landfill or interred. The same can be said of pretty much every type of fruit, vegetable, or source product used in manufacturing today, even those servicing the growing new ‘lifestyle’ markets.

Although estimates of eight per cent of capital expenditure have been forecast in 2015, for new manufacturing methods to service these food and beverage trends, they still do little to take overall food wastage into account.

What if?
New food sources have also been mooted over the past year or so to cope with the growing population and shrinking food growth – these encompass insects and algae and beyond. Yet, the answer to feeding the billions may be a little simpler and certainly more palatable than eating bugs. What if by processing the entire organic food source from the start, the food industry could feed more people and radically lessen the negative impact on the environment?

Alternatively, what if the waste from food processing factories could be processed in a way that could extract goodness, or be made into a palatable and nutritional foodstuff?

What if the size of food portions could be reduced, as the nutritional load is increased and the satiety factor solved?

Wouldn’t this lead to an increase in total food productivity™?


Getting it right
Developing countries like India are heeding the call, with pioneers such as Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal, whose Government department is dedicated to reducing food processing wastage. The creation of mega food parks able to deal with greater volumes more effectively are leading the way, with more established markets resistant to change and ultimately lagging.


Often there is a misperception that new technologies are expensive, require extensive education and training and incur hefty upfront costs, as existing machinery becomes obsolete and gathers dust in the corner. Factory owners/managers are slow to adopt, scared of change, tied into intricate service level agreements, or even, don’t actually care about the downstream, long-term impact of their current manufacturing processes.


Driven by the bottom line, the inception of a new austerity age and a consumer call for more earth ethical systems, these attitudes are necessarily experiencing a rude awakening. As margins become ever tighter and companies rely more heavily on marketing to convince a hungrier population that the products work (when they don’t) or that consumers should buy them (when they are not required), the voice of reason is finally starting to be heard.


For there are practices, that can eliminate or at the very least, radically reduce, waste, upfront. Technology like Dynamic Cellular Disruption® (DCD®) and the Disruptor series of machines are able to process the WHOLE fruit or vegetable or source material. It can instantly break down the plant cellulose structure without the use of harmful heat, enzymes or chemicals, releasing all of the actives, and increasing overall product yields.


DCD® cuts the cost of manufacturing, savings of which could be passed onto jaded customers, who are having to put up with thinner packaging, lesser quantities and poorer quality products at the same prices as before. The net result: better more affordable products that work, with a lesser amount required to enhance, good health. This would potentially lead to instilling a natural trust and loyalty in the consumer/brand relationship (possibly reducing reliance on clever marketing as means to engage customers)


By addressing the potential for food wastage up front, before it gets to the retail shelf, today’s food manufacturers can be part of tomorrow’s sustained waste and sustenance solution.


In fact, the ability to process whole fruits and vegetables – whole materials – should be the benchmark against which future processing methods are measured.


The challenge now is to join the new revolution to avoid getting ‘wasted’.


For further information regarding Disruptor technology, or to discover how you can save costs and improve your food productivity, see









About Green Cell Technologies®

Green Cell Technologies® is a global bio-technology and Intellectual Property development company specialising in formulating and building advanced solutions to world nutrition sustainability.

With a growing population and shrinking agricultural footprint, people are hungry and sick. Green Cell Technologies® (GCT) overcomes the threat to food productivity through the use of its patented Disruptor machines and Dynamic Cellular Disruption® (DCD®) processes, which it sells under license to manufacturers and processors around the world.

Green Cell Technologies – making ‘cents’ and saving the planet one molecule at a time

(PRLEAP.COM) Cape Town, South Africa, February 11, 2015 – Bio-Technology company, Green Cell Technologies® (GCT®), was granted a South African patent for its Disruptor™ technology and has launched its initial commercial business. This concludes an eight-year period of intense research, development, engineering and market research, which has determined a broad and hungry market for its offerings.

The Disruptor™ and its accompanying process, Dynamic Cellular Disruption® (DCD®), has broken organic material processing ground, as it does not use harmful heat or chemicals to break-open cells and can easily micronize cellulose into manageable molecular material.

With a successful proof of concept behind it, real world manufacture in a bespoke factory in South Africa and various National Phase Applications pending based on their PCT application, GCT is gaining world attention. The company is already in negotiation with several local and international manufacturing organisations for the purchase, under license, of its revolutionary Disruptor™ machines. The Disruptor™, available in configurations of one to eight barrels, (1 500 litres per hour per two barrel configuration), can be easily integrated into existing manufacturing processes, bypassing several current steps and providing significant savings as a result.

The technology, which comes at a time where the planet has over 7 billion mouths to ‘fuel’, is relevant and significant to the full gamut of industry:- pharmaceutical, nutriceutical, cosmoceutical, agricultural, energy, liquid sterilisation, homogenisation and the food & beverage sectors. Its capabilities and innovation are second to none, and according to its inventors, are a means to safeguard the future sustainability of our environment without losing the ability to make a profit.

“If human, earth and energy ‘fuel’ continue to be controlled by capitalism, then we need a solution to produce these from renewable sources, at a cost so attractive, that it will convince business to adopt this solution and continue to make money, but where their by-product is actually ‘saving our planet'” boldly stated company founder & Managing Director, Roy Henderson.

Anabolic Nutrition™
Able to ‘blow-up’ organic matter better than any other current processing system, The Disruptor™ and DCD® have pertinent significance for the world food market. With a rising population and a shrinking agricultural footprint, DCD® and the Disruptors™, can provide enormous efficiencies for manufacturers and benefits for end users. For example, by using the entire plant/source material, and reducing the plant cell structures to a molecular level, there is a resultant increased yield in the processed raw product, which is achieved at a cost well below current manufacturing standards. At the same time, there is a meaningful reduction in the impact on the environment as waste is practically zero.

In addition to this, the company has repeatedly demonstrated that there are other positive and quantifiable effects to the innovation. Notably, answering the current global call for more fibre in food due to the consumer desire for more texture as well as the potential health benefits this can bring. Disruptor™ technology is able to simply and easily break down the insoluble fibre substantially enough to derive the best outcomes (to anywhere from 10 – 150 micron/6l/10 seconds) – current food-processing systems are unable to do this in one smooth step.

Disruptor™ technology, consequently allows for overall anabolic nutrition to be achieved, something that should be uppermost in all manufacturers minds as it is starting to permeate the consumer’s consciousness, that with tightened purse-strings, they need better food to go a little further. Added to this, there is a need for real and true health benefits to overcome stress and maintain human productivity, which Disruptor™ technology can facilitate as the active molecules in the source material are undamaged and fully bio-available for the body to digest according to its unique absorption ratio. “People don’t need more food, they need better and more affordable food, and ‘DCD® can make this happen,” concluded Henderson.

For further information or to arrange a trial/demonstration, please contact also see:

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Breaking News

Green Cell Technologies® has recently released its Rooibos tea extract that has been clinically proven to contain 9000 H-Orac’s per gram. The RDA as proven in a recently released paper by Cape Peninsula University of Technology Anti-Oxidant Research laboratory is 21,000 per day. Given that GCT® has successfully reduced Rooibos to a water soluble powder, relieving the body of free radicals is then only 6 cups away.

It must be remembered that it is not in a human body’s interest to take more than about 3500 H-Orac at any one time and it only lasts for about an hour so it must be spaced over the day in order to be effective, therefore 1 cup at breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, supper and just before bed will be effective. Currently a single cup of standard Rooibos tea will only provide 500 H-Orac’s which will mean 42 cups of Rooibos every day; Green Tea currently recognized as the highest H-Orac is now superseded by DCD® Red Rooibos).

GCT ORAC claims validated

GCT ORAC claims validated

South African extracts specialist, Green Cell Technologies® (GCT), has had its ORAC claims verified by Brunswick Laboratories, the reputed third party tester.