Free Radicals beware – Green Cell Technologies has produced worlds first ‘1 million H-ORAC’ Value Extract

Free Radicals beware – Green Cell Technologies® has produced worlds first ‘1 million H-ORAC’ Value Extract

Cape Town, 21 March 2012: , Green Cell Technologies® (GCT) announces today that it has successfully extracted a standardized and fully stabilized Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) value from Green tea and Rooibos tea in a ratio of up to 1,700,000 H-ORACS per 100g. These are the highest known commercially extracted H-ORAC values from any plant material in the world.

At a time when people are exposed to greater and greater stress, it has been proved that the human body requires in excess of 20 000 H-ORACs per day to conquer or control the effects of constant strain and exposure to free radicals (SOURCE:  Peer reviewed studies conducted by Cape Peninsular University of Technology, South Africa).

This demand, together with the growing awareness of health properties in plants (such as ORAC value and Polyphenol content), and the prevailing global inconsistency in the quality of batches of tea, has led GCT to develop pure, high H-ORAC extracts in both green tea and the uniquely South African and highly popular tea, Rooibos (Red Bush).  This was done with the aim of consistently providing to market, the necessary values of H-ORAC in easily consumed, quick and effective formats to support the body’s daily H-ORAC needs.

The problem comes when certificates of analysis (COAs) do not match the content of the product.  For example, when tested by university laboratories in South Africa as part of the GCT standard analysis procedure, a typical COA that claims a 95% green tea extract, ,showed the actual polyphenols of these samples varied from 64% – 88% with an average H-ORAC value ranging between 4,500 and 7,000 per gram (which equals 450,000 – 700,000 H-ORACS per 100g).  These values are dramatically lower than the published COAs and product labels claims.

In light of the current furore unfolding around the world in terms of unsubstantiated product claims and label misinformation, this potentially opens brand owners and retailers up to litigation from irate and disgruntled consumers.

GCT’s Dynamic Cellular Disruption® (DCD®) method maintains consistent production of 200 H-ORACS per 1% polyphenol (50% extract) equaling 1,000,000 ORACS per 100g.  (which equates to 10,000 H-ORACS per gram on a 50% Polyphenol extract and 5,000 H-ORACS per gram at 25%) This is up to 250% greater than any other extract of a similar nature. (Results verified by the Oxidative Research Laboratory at the Cape Peninsular University of Technology).

With its Rooibos tea extracts which are also tannin and caffeine free, GCT through its production partner, Dynamic Extractions and Formulations (DEF), also now produces standardized polyphenol content at a variety of rates (as per client specifications and requirements) such as:
20% Polyphenols = 3,250 H-Oracs – 3,500 H-Oracs per gram
40% Polyphenols = 6,500 H-Oracs – 7,000 H-Orcas per gram
60% Polyphenols = 9,500 H-Oracs – 10,500 H-Oracs per gram.

But the star of the show is undoubtedly the Ultra-Pharma grade, Rooibos and Green tea extracts at up to 17,000 H-ORACS each per gram!  (1,700,000 per 100g with further refinement in the pipeline).

And in addition to their patented extraction methods, GCT has further developed a proprietary mechanism for drying and producing different micron sizes of soluble beadlets.  Coupled with the high purity, high yield and variety of extracts, GCT and DEF can now provide a vast array of options applicable to; the cosmoceutical, functional foods and beverages (including baby & child suitable products), nutriceutical and pharmaceutical industries.

One of the greatest benefits of these new extracts is that suppliers can standardize their offerings (the process is applicable to all teas).  By adding in consistent, standardized, purer extracts, teas can have their H-ORAC value boosted to reach stipulated levels. Meaning, they can actually do some good, as the current reality is that the H-ORAC value per cup of tea is too low to achieve any notable or sustained health benefits.

Aside from being extremely cost effective to produce via the DCD® method, perhaps the most interesting advantage the industry will and should take notice of is that, with the inclusion of DCD® produced extracts in the appropriate quantities, marketing and label claims can now be supported.

Green Cell Technologies® has been invited to present and discuss the benefits of its Dynamic Cellular Disruption process at the upcoming IFW 2012 conference and exhibition in Cologne, which takes place 26 – 30 March 2012. 

GCT Tea Extract 1 000 000+ ORAC Claim Questioned

GCT Tea Extract 1 000 000+ ORAC Claim Questioned

Article in questions GCT’s 1 000 000+ Orac tea extract claim and the daily Orac requirement. GCT has responded by substantiating to by making a peer reviewed study reflecting daily Orac requirements found at thislink available as well as the university Assay
101112. GCT has also invited to send a sample of GCT’s Rooibos extract to any establishment they choose for verification.

Roy Henderson

Confusion over Canadian based GreenCell Technologies

Confusion over Canadian based GreenCell Technologies

South African based Green Cell Technologies®, an Organic Material Extraction company, has been contacted on several occasions by members of the general public asking about the performance of ordinary shares. Please be advised that this has nothing to do with Green Cell Technologies® and is in fact the concern of a Candian based company called GreenCell Technologies who produces alternative energy products. Whereas Green Cell Technologies® feels for the shareholders who are losing money we are unable to assist them in this regard.

Roy Henderson

Green Cell Technologies talks to international companies about bio fuel production

Green Cell Technologies® talks to international companies about bio fuel production

GCT has adapted its intellectual Property to extract Hydrocarbons from plant materials at a higher yield than current systems and at a fraction of the price for use in bio-fuels and hydrocarbon related products. “GCT is entertaining many international companies queries but are looking for the right partner to realise this vital energy source for the planet”,

Roy Henderson

Invest in future proofed, healthy functional foods

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Leading international organic plant extraction company, Green Cell Technologies®, invites submissions for joint venture opportunities in its future-proofed juice manufacturing plants.

Cape Town, 21 June 2011 – Having perfected its Dynamic Cellular Disruption® (DCD®) extraction process, SA based Green Cell Technologies® (GCT) announced today that it is inviting submissions from interested parties seeking joint venture opportunities within the functional food and beverage industry.

GCT  envisages that by 2020, 75% of global fruit juice production facilities will gear towards greener production methods with higher and more effective nutritional yields as consumer demand for healthier and more environmentally friendly products escalate.

DCD® machinery and processes are able to provide an economical and extremely effectual solution.  Roy Henderson, CEO of Green Cell Technologies® explains:  “It allows for the processing of the ‘whole’ fruit (skin, pips and all) which is done without the use of harmful heat or chemicals, and stabilises the active molecules of the fruit/s in the process which allows producers to deliver higher yields, higher levels of activity, Greener products and at a fraction of the cost of traditional production methods.”

Without compromising taste profiles or de-naturing the ingredients in any way, GCT  amplifies the nutritional value of the juices and has shown up to a 350% increase in polyphenols and H-Oracs – the active molecules needed for stemming the tide of free radicals;  To illustrate, the DCD® technology and process can generate seven litres of highly nutritious juice from one  kilogramme of oranges, whereas existing and more traditional means may only produce approximately 700ml from the same kilogramme.  In trials using apples, pears and grapes GCT has obtained four litres of juice from one kilogramme of fruit.

Henderson continued: “Even more exciting, we can produce nutritiously advanced whole fruit juice concentrates and powders, which can be used, in cereals, baby food, and powdered drinks amongst others”  For example, children can get a scoop or sachet that contains a serving of complete whole fruit juice in a powder. The possibilities are endless.

In addition to the higher outputs and advanced nutritional values, because there is zero waste (as the whole fruit is used), the carbon footprint of manufacturers is dramatically reduced with no requirement for landfill waste or transportation to recycling plants.  This also means reduced costs in overall production.

Altogether, this makes the Green Cell offering very attractive as well as a very healthy proposition for all juice manufacturers and partners. In short, by putting the nutrition back into the food and drink we consume, the DCD® process provides the ideal investment for the future, now.

About Green Cell Technologies®
GCT is primarily an Intellectual Property (IP) company operating in the natural plant/animal material extraction sphere and is concerned with developing specific solutions on behalf of clients.  It makes a variety of merchandise to order as needed, as well as producing its own range of products which it then sells on to pharmaceutical, nutriceutical, cosmeceutical and/or food & beverage companies around the globe.

Our mission is to de-mystify the supplementation market whilst improving overall health and wellness of mankind, animals and the earth, protecting and sustaining communities and the environment. We wish to ensure that no-one ever goes hungry. Please see

About Dynamic Cellular Disruption® (DCD®)

DCD® is a patented extraction process involving up to 18 specific steps that disrupts the cell membrane in its entirety and extracts and stabilizes the active molecules without the need for harmful heat of the use of chemicals.

Active molecules extracted using the DCD® method are not denatured and are rendered 99.9994% bio-available.

Green Cell Technologies® also design and manufacture DCD® machines which they sell to active “partners” and are looking for suitable joint venture partners and investors into potential functional food and beverage facilities.

For further Information, please contact:
Kaz Henderson Head of Marketing and Communications
Tel: +27 21 782 9424 Fax: +27 21 683 4488
Mobile: 082 339 1199 E:Mail –
